The TM1637 is a popular LED display driver IC (Integrated Circuit) that is commonly used to control 7-segment LED displays. It's especially popular in hobbyist electronics and is often used with microcontrollers like Arduino and the BBC micro:bit.
Key features of the TM1637 include:
Control of 7-Segment Displays: The TM1637 is designed to drive 7-segment LED displays. It can control up to four digits, and each digit can display numbers 0-9.
Built-In Key Scan Function: Some versions of TM1637 modules come with built-in buttons, and the IC has a key scan function that allows you to read the state of these buttons easily.
I2C Communication: The TM1637 communicates with the microcontroller over the I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) protocol, making it relatively easy to interface with microcontrollers.
Integrated Display RAM: It has integrated display RAM, which simplifies the process of updating the display.
Brightness Control: The TM1637 allows for brightness control, providing the ability to adjust the intensity of the LED display.
To use the TM1637 display with Micro:bit card, you'll need the following components:
Micro:bit board:
The Micro:bit board is a small, programmable microcontroller board designed for education and beginner-friendly coding projects. It was developed by the BBC, in collaboration with various partners, as a tool to introduce young people to programming and electronics.
TM1637 Display
This display is used for displaying numbers, symbols and letters.
Jumper Wires:
To make the physical connections between the components.
A breadboard is a useful tool for creating temporary electronic circuits. It allows you to connect components without soldering.
Connect the TM1637 Display to Micro:bit card as follows:
1- Connect the VCC pin of the TM1637 display to 3.3V pin of Micro:bit card.
2- Connect the GND pin of the TM1637 display to GND pin of Micro:bit card.
3- Connect the CLK pin of the TM1637 display to P1 pin of Micro:bit card.
4- Connect the DIO pin of the TM1637 display to P2 pin of Micro:bit card.
To program a BBC micro:bit with MakeCode to display numbers on a TM1637 display, you can follow these steps:
1- Open the MakeCode editor for the micro:bit: MakeCode for micro:bit.
2- Create a new project by clicking on "New Project."
3- You'll need to add an extension for the TM1637 to make the blocks available.
Click on the "Advanced" category.
Click on "Extensions."
Search for "TM1637" and add the extension.
4- Once you've added the extension, you'll find new blocks under the "Advanced" category for controlling the TM1637 display.
5- Use the "TM1637 Show Number" block to display a number on the TM1637 display. You can find this block in the "TM1637" section.
6- Add blocks to set up your micro:bit to display numbers. For example, you can use the "on start" block to initialize the TM1637 display and then use the "forever" block to continuously update the display.
Here's a simple example to display the numbers "5", "55", "555" and "5555" on the TM1637:
7- Connect your micro:bit to your computer using a USB cable and click on the "Download" button in MakeCode to download the compiled program.
8- Copy the downloaded file (usually a .hex file) to your micro:bit.
9- Power on your micro:bit, and you should see the numbers "5", "55", "555" and "5555" displayed on the connected TM1637 display.
Educational robotics refers to the use of robots and robotics technology to promote learning in educational settings. It involves the integration of technology, engineering, and computer science into the classroom, allowing students to engage in hands-on, project-based learning experiences.
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