Use of HC-SR04 sensor and SSD1306 screen by Arduino UNO

Arduino UNO 15-02-24
325 0

Tutorial plan

1- Goal of the project

2- The components required to use HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and SSD1306 screen by Arduino UNO

3- Mounting Arduino UNO with the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and SSD1306 screen

4- Program Arduino UNO to calculate and display the distance between the HC-SR04 sensor and an object



Goal of the project

The purpose of this project is to measure the distance between the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and a detected object and display it on the SSD1306 display.

Here are some common goals for this project:

Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance:

This project is commonly used in navigation systems for vehicles, drones, and robots to measure distances and avoid obstacles. It helps in providing a safe path by detecting and navigating around obstacles.

Industrial Automation:

In industrial settings, this project can be used for automating processes by precisely measuring distances between objects or components on a production line. This ensures accurate positioning and alignment.

Proximity Detection:

This project is employed for detecting the proximity of objects or individuals. This is useful in security systems, access control, and automation where actions need to be triggered based on the presence or absence of objects within a certain range.

Parking Assistance:

This project is utilized in parking assistance systems in vehicles. It helps drivers by measuring the distance between the vehicle and obstacles, providing visual or audible alerts to avoid collisions during parking maneuvers.

Surveillance and Security:

This project is used in security systems to monitor areas and detect any unauthorized intrusion. By measuring distances, security systems can trigger alarms when someone enters a restricted zone.

Medical Applications:

In medical devices, this project can be used for various purposes, such as measuring the distance between ultrasound transducers and the body surface, monitoring fluid levels in medical bags, or assisting visually impaired individuals in navigation.

Level Monitoring:

This project is employed in level monitoring systems to measure the distance between a sensor and the surface of a liquid or solid material. This is commonly used in tanks for monitoring fluid levels.

Traffic Control:

This project can contribute to traffic management by measuring distances between vehicles on the road. This information can be used to implement intelligent traffic control systems.

IoT Applications:

In the Internet of Things (IoT) context, this project can be integrated into various devices and applications for smart homes, smart cities, and industrial IoT to enable distance-based automation and monitoring.

Education and Research:

This project serves as a valuable tool in educational projects and scientific research. It allows students and researchers to experiment with and understand principles related to distance measurement, sensors, and electronics.

In summary, the purpose of our project is to provide accurate and reliable distance information for a wide range of applications, including navigation, automation, security, healthcare, and more. The specific goals and benefits depend on the requirements of the particular use case or industry.

The components required to use HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and SSD1306 screen by Arduino UNO board

Arduino UNO :

Arduino Uno

The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board that is part of the Arduino platform. It is designed for ease of use and is widely used in the maker and hobbyist communities for prototyping and creating various electronic projects.

HC-SR04 ultrasonic Sensor


The HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic distance measuring sensor module.

SSD1306 screen

The SSD1306 is a popular display controller used in OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) screens. It's commonly employed in various electronics projects to showcase information on small screens. The SSD1306 controller is compatible with different screen sizes and is often integrated with microcontrollers like Arduino UNO board to display text, graphics, and images.

This display is used for displaying distance between the HC-SR04 sensor and an object.

Jumper Wires:

Jumper wires

For making temporary connections and wiring between components.


Test plate

A breadboard is a useful tool for creating temporary electronic circuits. It allows you to connect components without soldering.

Mounting Arduino UNO with the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and SSD1306 screen

Mounting Arduino UNO with the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and SSD1306 screenMounting Arduino UNO with the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and SSD1306 screen

Attaching the SSD1306 display :

- connect the VCC pin of the display to 5V pin of Arduino UNO

- connect the GND pin of the display to GND pin of Arduino UNO

- connect the SDA pin of the display to A5 pin of Arduino UNO

- connect the SCL pin of the display to A4 pin of Arduino UNO

Attaching the HC-SR04 sensor :

- Connect the VCC(+) pin of the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor to the 3.3V pin on Arduino UNO

- Connect the Trig pin of the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor to pin 2 on Arduino UNO

- Connect the Echo pin of the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor to pin 3 on Arduino UNO

- Connect the GND(-) pin of the HC-SR04 sensor to any ground (GND) pin on Arduino UNO

Program Arduino UNO to calculate and display the distance between the HC-SR04 sensor and an object

To program Arduino UNO to calculate and display the distance between the HC-SR04 sensor and an object on SSD1306 screen, you can follow the steps below.

1- import this library : Ultrasonic for HC-SR04 sensor

2- import this library : Adafruit_SSD1306 for SSD1306 display

3- Create a new script with Arduino IDE and write the following code:

This code continuously measures the distance using the HC-SR04 sensor and displays it on the SSD1306 screen.

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