Sending email with Arduino and ESP8266 Wifi module

Arduino UNO 19-11-24
217 0

Tutorial plan


1- The components necessary to send email by Arduino

2- Wiring Overview

3- Programming Arduino




Using Arduino to send or receive emails is a popular project among makers and hobbyists. Here's a breakdown of how you can set it up, along with potential applications and considerations:

How Arduino Can Send Emails

Using an Ethernet or Wi-Fi Shield/Module:


Arduino board (e.g., Uno, Mega, Nano, etc.)

Network module (e.g., ESP8266, ESP32, or Ethernet Shield)


For Wi-Fi Modules: Use libraries like WiFi.h (ESP32) or ESP8266WiFi.h.

For SMTP Communication: Use libraries like ESP_Mail_Client or direct SMTP commands.


The components necessary to send email by Arduino

Here’s a detailed description of the components necessary to send an email using Arduino UNO, a push button, an ESP8266 module, and SMTP:

Arduino UNO

Arduino Uno

Acts as the main controller to process the push button signal and communicate with the ESP8266 module for sending an email via SMTP.

ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module

Provides Wi-Fi connectivity to the Arduino UNO. It connects to the internet and sends the email using the SMTP protocol.

Push Button

Acts as the trigger for sending an email. When the button is pressed, the Arduino detects the signal and initiates the email process.

3V/5V power module 

Module d'alimentation

It supplies a stable 5V with sufficient current for the ESP8266.

4- Power supply

A 9V Battery is used as the primary power source for the setup. It is used power the board, ESP8266.

5- Jumper Wires


Jumper wires

Jumper wires will be used to make connections between the components.

6- Breadboard:


A Breadboard provides a platform to arrange and connect components without soldering.

Wiring Overview

To perform the assembly, you can connect:

The RX pin of the ESP8266 board to pin 4 of the Arduino board

The TX pin of the ESP8266 board to pin 3 of the Arduino board

The GND pin of the ESP8266 board to the GND of the Arduino board

The two pins 3V3 and EN of the ESP8266 board to the 5V pin of the power supply module

The RST pin of the ESP8266 board to pin 8 of the Arduino board

the first leg of the push button to pin A0 of the Arduino board

the second leg of the push button to GND of the Arduino board

Programming Arduino

Below is the Arduino code to send an email using the ESP8266 and SMTP:

We must use this librariy: Adafruit_ESP8266.

When the button is pressed, the Serial Monitor will display:

Wi-Fi connection status.

Email sending status (success or failure).

The recipient will receive an email with the subject "My ESP8266" and the message "Hello,This is a message from your ESP8266.".

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