ESP32 board and NEO-M6 GPS module

ESP32 25-11-24
167 0

Tutorial plan

1- Presentation of GPS Trackers

2- Components Needed to realize GPS Trackers with ESP32

3- Circuit Setup

4- Programming ESP32 with Micropython



Presentation of GPS Trackers

A GPS tracker is a device that uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine its location and track movement. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how it functions:

Signal Reception from Satellites

GPS Satellites:
The device communicates with a network of at least 4 GPS satellites. These satellites orbit Earth and send signals containing their location and precise time.

By calculating the time it takes for signals to travel from satellites to the device, the GPS tracker determines its distance from each satellite. Using this data, it computes its exact position (latitude, longitude, and sometimes altitude).

Processing the Data

The tracker has a GPS receiver that processes the satellite signals to calculate the location in real-time.

The receiver converts raw data into a readable format (coordinates).

Transmitting Location Data

Communication Modules:
Once the location is determined, the tracker transmits this data to a central server or device using communication technologies such as:

Cellular networks (e.g., 3G, 4G, or 5G)

Satellite communication for remote areas

Wi-Fi or Bluetooth for short-range applications.

Monitoring and Tracking

The location data is sent to a monitoring platform such as:

A mobile app

A web dashboard

A computer system

Users can see real-time movement, set geofences (virtual boundaries), or access historical location logs.


Components Needed to realize GPS Trackers with ESP32

Creating a GPS Tracker using an ESP32 board, NEO-M6 GPS module, and an SSD1306 OLED display is a great project.

ESP32 Board:

A microcontroller with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for data transmission.

NEO-M6 GPS Module:

A reliable GPS receiver module for obtaining location data.

SSD1306 OLED Display

Displays location data (e.g., latitude and longitude) or status information.

Connecting Wires:

Jumper wires

To connect the GPS module to the ESP32.



Is a tool for prototyping and testing electronic circuits without soldering.


Circuit Setup

ESP32 to NEO-6M GPS Module

VCC (NEO-6M) → 3.3V or 5V (ESP32)

GND (NEO-6M) → GND (ESP32)

TX (NEO-6M) → RX (ESP32) (GPIO17)

RX (NEO-6M) → TX (ESP32) (GPIO16)

2. ESP32 to SSD1306 OLED Display (I2C)

VCC (SSD1306) → 3.3V (ESP32)

GND (SSD1306) → GND (ESP32)

SCL (SSD1306) → GPIO22 (ESP32) (Default I2C clock pin)

SDA (SSD1306) → GPIO21 (ESP32) (Default I2C data pin)


Programming ESP32 with Micropython

Here’s the complete script to read GPS data and display it on the SSD1306 display:

You need to import these two libraries: for SSD1306 screen and micropyGPS


GPS Parsing

The NEO-6M GPS module outputs raw NMEA sentences (e.g., $GPGGA,...).

The micropyGPS library parses this data to extract:

Latitude and Longitude in degrees.

Timestamp from GPS satellites.

OLED Display

The ssd1306 library is used to interface the OLED display.

Real-time GPS data (latitude, longitude, and time) is updated on the screen every second.

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