Tutorial plan 1- The components needed to control two lamps by ESP32 card 2- Mounting the ESP32 card with two […]
Tutorial plan Introduction 1- Why do we use App Inventor to create a mobile application capable of communicating the smartphone […]
Tutorial plan 1- The ESP32 board and WIFI 2- What is the web server for the ESP32 card ? 3- […]
Tutorial plan 1- Role of the push button in robotics 2- The components necessary to control two lamps by the […]
Tutorial plan 1- What is the TM1637 display ? 2- How ESP32 board displays text in TM1637 display ? 3- […]
Tutorial plan Introduction 1- Operation of the chronometer controlled by the ESP32 board 2- The components needed to build a […]
Tutorial plan 1- What is the SSD1306 display ? 2- How ESP32 board displays text in SSD1306 display ? 3- […]
Tutorial plan 1- Operation of the chronometer controlled by the ESP32 board 2- The components needed to build a chronometer […]
Tutorial plan 1- What is the LCD I2C 1602 display ? 2- How ESP32 board displays text in LCD I2C […]
Tutorial plan 1- What is the DHT11 sensor ? 2- How does the ESP32 board receive the temperature and humidity […]
Educational robotics refers to the use of robots and robotics technology to promote learning in educational settings. It involves the integration of technology, engineering, and computer science into the classroom, allowing students to engage in hands-on, project-based learning experiences.
In this context, our website represents an excellent resource for parents, teachers and children who wish to discover robotics.
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