Modules: ESP32

ESP32 18-01-25 112 0
Smart agriculture connected to IoT and controlled by ESP32

Tutoriel plan 1- What is IoT connected smart agriculture ? 2- Necessary equipment 3- The objective of the project 4- […]

Connect ESP32 to IoT and send temperature and humidity to ThingSpeak

Tutoriel plan 1- Introducing the ThingSpeak Platform 2- Purpose of connecting ESP32 to IoT to send data to ThingSpeak 3- […]

ESP32 board and Neopixel

Tutorial plan 1- Presentation of Neopixel 2- Necessary components to turn on neopixel by ESP32 card 3- Wiring Setup 4- […]

Spaceship game controlled by ESP32 card

Tutorial plan 1- Presentation of the Spaceship game 2- Objective of the Spaceship project 3- Required Components 4- Component Wiring […]

ESP32 23-01-25 135 0
ESP32 boat controlled by Wifi

Tutorial plan 1- Objective of building ESP32 robot boat 2- Required Components 3- Boat Wiring Diagram 4- Micropython program for […]

Automatic bottle filling with ESP32 and KY-032 sensor

Tutorial plan 1- Presentation of Automatic bottle filling 2- How does ESP32 board controls the system ? 3- Necessary components […]

ESP32 Dinausore Game

Tutorial plan 1- Presentation of the Dinausore game 2- Objective of our game 3- Required Components 4- Component Wiring 5- […]


Tutorial plan 1- Presentation of PACMAN game 2- Objective of our PACMAN Game 3- Required Components 4- Component Wiring 5- […]

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Purpose of this website

Educational robotics refers to the use of robots and robotics technology to promote learning in educational settings. It involves the integration of technology, engineering, and computer science into the classroom, allowing students to engage in hands-on, project-based learning experiences.
In this context, our website represents an excellent resource for parents, teachers and children who wish to discover robotics.

Contact details

Zaouiet Kontech-Jemmel-Monastir-Tunisie

+216 92 886 231

Pictures of the articles

Robotic site created by MedAli-Teacher info