Modules: ESP32-CAM

ESP32-CAM Video Streaming Web Server

Tutorial plan 1- Web server streaming video presentation 2- What is ESP32-Cam ? 3- Necessary components to control ESP32-Cam 4- […]

Real-time color detection with ESP32-CAM

Real-time color detection is a popular application in computer vision, where a program identifies and processes colors in a live […]

How ESP32-CAM detect the moving objects ?

  The ESP32-CAM can detect moving objects by using its camera module and implementing motion detection algorithms. This involves analyzing […]

Real time color detection with ESP32 and Webcam

Real time color detection Real-time color detection is a process where a camera captures video, and software analyzes each frame […]

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Educational robotics refers to the use of robots and robotics technology to promote learning in educational settings. It involves the integration of technology, engineering, and computer science into the classroom, allowing students to engage in hands-on, project-based learning experiences.
In this context, our website represents an excellent resource for parents, teachers and children who wish to discover robotics.

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+216 92 886 231

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