Modules: Arduino UNO

Display on LCD screen a message transmitted to Arduino via Bluetooth

Tutorial plan 1- How to display on LCD I2C screen a message transmitted to Arduino via Bluetooth ? 2- The […]

Display on SSD1306 screen a message transmitted to Arduino via Bluetooth

Tutorial plan 1- How to display on SSD1306 screen a message transmitted to Arduino via Bluetooth ? 2- The necessary […]

Detect gas leak with Arduino board and MQ-4 sensor

Tutorial plan Introduction 1- What is the MQ-4 gas sensor ? 2- Gas detection system components 3- Mounting the Arduino […]

Detect gas leaks using Arduino, MQ-4 sensor and LCD screen

Tutorial plan Introduction 1- How does the arduino detect gas leaks and display an alert message on the LCD ? […]

Detect gas leaks using Arduino, MQ-4 sensor and SSD1306 screen

Tutorial plan Introduction 1- How does the arduino detect gas leaks and display an alert message on the SSD1306 ? […]

Mobile system for tracking a moving object based on Arduino and HC-SR04

Tutorial plan Introduction 1- How does the mobile system for tracking a moving object work ? 2- Necessary system components […]

Gas alarm system controlled by Arduino UNO

Tutorial plan Introduction 1- How the gas alarm system works ? 2- Gas alarm system components 3- Mounting Arduino UNO […]

Gas alarm system based on Arduino UNO, MQ-4 sensor and LCD screen

Tutorial plan Introduction 1- How the gas alarm system ordered by Arduino UNO works ? 2- Mounting Arduino UNO board […]

Gas alarm system based on Arduino, MQ-4 sensor and SSD1306 screen

Tutorial plan Introduction 1- How the gas alarm system ordered by Arduino UNO works ? 2- Mounting Arduino UNO board […]

Object tracking robot based on Arduino UNO and HC-SR04 sensor

Tutorial plan 1- What is an object tracking robot ? 2- Operation of the Object Tracking Robot controlled by Arduino […]

Purpose of this website

Educational robotics refers to the use of robots and robotics technology to promote learning in educational settings. It involves the integration of technology, engineering, and computer science into the classroom, allowing students to engage in hands-on, project-based learning experiences.
In this context, our website represents an excellent resource for parents, teachers and children who wish to discover robotics.

Contact details

Zaouiet Kontech-Jemmel-Monastir-Tunisie

+216 92 886 231

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Robotic site created by MedAli-Teacher info